Friday 6 January 2017

makanan sehat untuk bayi dan anak

the second question isfrom madame tapsoba christine who is a high school teacher, owner of two vegetarian restaurantsin ouagadougou, member of many associations,and vegan. welcome, madame. hallo, master. hallo, madame, how are you? yes, i’m fine. thank you. thank you for coming.

thank you. so my question is: in books, storiesand academic materials, there are still many writingsthat oppose veganism. so please, master, in such a situation, what can we doto educate our school children about the vegan diet? thank you, noble, noble, mrs. tapsoba.

it is a big task and a noble task. you are a teacher, yes. mrs. tapsoba,and a vegetarian restaurateur. you must be a very busy lady! so, i’m very impressedwith your dedication already. i also feel very confident that you will find a wayto help the young people lead a completely animal-friendlylifestyle.

but to share a few ideasthat perhaps you didn’t think of already. it is, of course, a very good ideato introduce children to the benefitsof eating healthily and sustainably, from early on. one way to do so is we can introduceanimal-friendly material that is also vegan, by the way. there is a lot of vegan informationalso available, both online and in print, so you could select positive story books

for the children with animalsas the main characters. movies can also be very helpfulin bringing the animals to life. there are also many moviesthat offer loving depictions of animals. as for food, you canmake veggie eating fun and cool. one study found that giving the fruits and vegetablesdifferent names, interesting nameslike power peas or tomato bursts, increases their popularitywith the children. so you can also help cultivatethe natural loving nature of children

through field tripsto a farm animal sanctuary where they can interactwith the animals and see how sweet they are. children themselves have said thatwhen they get to know the animals, they cannot eat them anymorebecause they realize that the animals are their friendsand so lovely. if you cannot affordto buy many materials, you can be creative and make them, or even involve the children in projectsto make animal-friendly things.

you can also seek out the writingsof people who uphold values of compassion and introduce them to your studentsas exemplary figures whose values they can admire. if you wish for any materials at all that are freely availablefrom, you are more than welcome. there are some lists of people, from top-class athletes to celebrities,who are also vegetarian or vegan.

some of the people knownfor their genius level of intelligence and creativity have also upheld the compassionateideals of being veg. students are probably are alreadyfamiliar with names such as socrates, albert einstein, leonardo da vinci, etc., etc. you can inform them thatthese people were also vegetarian. freely available as well are programswith exemplary persons, philosophers, and even a full rangeof international cooking shows

that demonstratejust how easy it is to be veg. children naturally love animals and they understandwhat is good right away because they are so pure and open. once you start looking for materialsto be inspired by, your search will be ever excitingand will never end, i can guarantee that. and once you are excited,your classes will also be, too. thank you for thinking of the children,

and heaven bless you,madame christine, for what you’re doingto help the children and the planet. thank you, madame. thank you, master. the next question isfrom dr. johnson charlemagne at saint josephinternational private general hospital. welcome, sir. thank you very much, dear master. first of all, please acceptmy warm sincere greetings

and congratulations for all the noble work. you can imagine that my question willbe related to my profession. you know that malaria, aids, and tuberculosis bring abouta high mortality rate in the african population. could you tell us about the benefits of a vegan dieton the health of these patients and on the population in general?

thank you very much. thank you, doctor. dr. johnson,i am honored to speak with you. for the peoplethat already suffer from disease, the vegan diet will helpbecause it boosts immunity and does not contain toxins like meat. scientific research has revealed thatred meat actually contains a substance that attracts diseasesuch as the bacteria e. coli which attacks the bodyand weakens the immune system,

whereas the veg diet helps the bodybecome stronger in warding off diseases. so, changing to the vegan diet canhelp strengthen and stabilize any physical condition, doctor. in the case of malaria,there is one village, even, in ghana where a regenerative health programhas been conducted by the african hebrew israelitesof jerusalem, working togetherwith ghana’s ministry of health. in this health program,

hundreds of villagers switchedto a vegan diet, vegan agriculture, and green living. before, this village hada very high infant mortality rate of almost 30%. the villagers had malaria2-3 times a year. but after the village becamemore vegan, every single baby lived. and for more than 20 years now, there have been zero case of

and people with aids are recoveringeven better because of a strengthenedimmune system that the vegan diet gave them. so, people who are vegetarianseldom are afraid of getting diseases. it is a double shield of protection,not only in the physical sense, but also in an invisible, spiritual sense. please inform your patients about this. thank you, dr. johnson. god bless you and your patients.

next question, from mademoisellesompougdou cecile. she is an accountantat the observateur newspaper in burkina faso, a vegetarian also. good evening, master. hallo. thank you for allthat you’ve done for us. thank you for allyou’ve done for humanity. i love you very much.

my question is: the main topic of today’s news isthe rapid spread of swine flu. why do we see so many diseases that humankind is contractingfrom animals? with mad cow disease, bird flu,and right now swine flu. aren’t the animals lovingly tryingto send us a message that meat consumption isnot good for humans? that’s right.that’s right, mademoiselle. yes. it’s like that.

it’s like what you said, mademoiselle. indeed, you are right. the animals and the universe aregiving a message. however, it’s not that the animals even careabout themselves so much, even though the conditions they endure and some of the diseases arealready terrible for them. for the onesraised to go to the slaughterhouse, every day from their birth isa day of misery,

never feeling the sun and being deprivedof every natural instinct, but they just go throughwithout complaint, even to take the blame for the diseasethat is not their fault, it’s not their making. for example, the pigswho get this flu virus, did they want it? did they create it? no, no.

the conditions they’re living inare deplorable and it’s the real cause of the flu. dr. michael greger, director of public healthand animal agriculture for the us humane society, has stated thatin factory farm conditions, 5,000 or 6,000 animals are put togetherin a single building. the overcrowding, the stressthat attacks their immune systems and antibiotics they are given -which we eat along with the meat,

by the way – the ammonia from their wasteburns their respiratory tracts, the filthwhere all kinds of microbes will grow, plus there is no sunlight. dr. greger said that these conditions createa perfect storm environment for the emergence and spreadof virulent strains of influenza, like the swine fluthat you have mentioned. dr. gregory gray,another medical doctor

and a professor of epidemiologyin the us, also found thatpeople who worked in factory farms are 50 times more likely to have contracted pig virusesin the past. in the case of the swine fluthat spread around the world right now, the world health organization (who) has confirmed more than 3,000 casesin humans worldwide, cautioning that it’s still not yet over, and that we hardly know

how aggressivethe virus is and will become. it could get worse even, and it could infectone third of our planet’s population. they expect it. so yes, the animals do want humans towake up to the dangers that we are creating,not just for them but for humankind. however, these animal-related diseasesare very clearly our own making. so we need to reverse this cycleand make a fresh start.

stop killing; live and let live. because even thoughthe animals themselves are forgiving, the physical lawof the universe states that for every actionthere is a consequence. so, if we wishto live healthily, happily ourselves, we should let others live, likewise. this is the best guideline. if we live in peace with other beings, meaning we don’t tryto make them our food,

we don’t make them suffer, then we will never worry about disease, and our life and the planet willbe quickly like that of heaven. thank you, mademoiselle. european parliament supportsreducing meat to lower greenhouse gases. ... reduce your meat consumptionor stop eating meat totally. during discussionson greenhouse gas reduction goals, the climate committeeof the european parliament

officially recognized livestock’scontribution to global warming and recommended a reductionof subsidies to the livestock industry to curb methane. the european parliament has adoptedits own position on climate change as an institution. and as a vice-president,one of the proposals i’ve made is in line with your own; which is thatwe should eat far less meat because that’s one of the major sourcesof greenhouse gasses.

please eat less meat,and let's make taxes on meat. that's definitely one of the issueswe are talking about. i'd like to tell peoplewhat the cost is of eating meat, for the environment worldwide. my name is jens holm. i’m a memberof the european parliament. please, be veg, go green,2 save the planet! may i ask the next question on behalf of the former presidentof the national assembly

and former prime ministerof our country, togo, dr. kodjo agbã©yomã© messan. we notice that in africa most people do not show concernabout the issue of global warming. they pinpoint westernersas responsible for this calamity because of the large scaleanimal agriculture practiced there. what could you tell africansto let them understand thatthe issue is a common threat and therefore it must bea common concern

for all earth’s inhabitants? what is the advice you would give usto motivate them to change their diet? could you pleasetell the esteemed dr. kodjo that i thank himfor his insightful questions and concern. i am very touched that he shared his thoughts with usand his support to send a questionin the interest of his fellow citizens. well, i’m sorry, dr. kodjo, thatglobal warming does not spare anyone. each person is responsibleto do their best in awakening

noble qualities in themselves to save the planet and, of course, their livesand the lives of their family. also, africa has not been sparedthe effects of global warming. as early as 1997, a united nations document refersto desertification, which came from people removing the protective mangrove treeson the western coast of africa. the reason was understandable:

they need wood for firesand for home-building. however, the trees’ loss resulted insalt water contamination of crops and also a loss of coastal biodiversity. while it may be true thatother countries in the world are responsiblefor larger releases of greenhouse gases, there are also situations that area direct cause and effect within africa. another situation that has haddrastic effects within africa is drought. but the biggest cause and effect ison an individual level, that is, meat consumption,

or i should say meat, fishor egg, milk consumption. this category of food, meaning animal products, istruly one of the biggest or i shall say the biggest evercontributor of global warming. the biggest contributorto global warming is the animal product industry. in terms of drought, you see, one serving of beef on averagerequires 1,200 gallons of water to produce,

while an entire vegan meal takesonly 98 gallons. that is 12 times as much water to produce the same amount of energyfrom food. and in thisi describe only the physical situation. along with the physicalis the reason behind, which is that we must switchto a more compassionate way of living in order to survive. at the same time,please remember that global warming is not about blame.

we all have a shared planet and we have shared responsibility, and we all want it to be savedfor every one of us. just like in the human body, if one area is hurt,it will affect the whole body as well. so even if the injury came to africafrom another part of the world, we should all fix it because we want the entire bodyto be well again. and that is very good for usto have such a noble intention,

helping to save the world. because every good deed helps balancethe entire planet’s karma (retribution) – meaning the atmosphere – the energy. so that is the key, to be vegand spread the message of compassion, to let people know thatthey can really make a difference, and we each canthrough the choices we make in putting food on our plate. please try to inform your people that peace and the survival of our planetbegin at home,

begin on our plate. thank you very much, sir.god bless you. thank you very much for your answer. you’re welcome, love. the next question isfrom madame anne marie araba. please accept all my gratitude. in the global warming flyer,it is stated: ''due to the overfishing and the lossof tens of millions of sardines,

a vital chain, the waters of the southwest africancoast are loaded with a toxic gas that bubblesfrom the bottom of the ocean, killing marine life on the surface. the size of the area is equivalentto that of the city of new jersey (usa), and worsening the greenhouse effect.” what is the original nature of this gas? bonjour, mademoiselle araba. you came all the wayfrom cotonou, benin (yes, master.)

to be with us? you’re from radio topka, in cotonou, benin, right?(yes, master.) thanks for comingto share with us your concern. it is very disturbing to knowabout the state of the waters off the western coast of your continent. you see, this poisonous gasthat you are asking about is formed from the elementsthat create oceanic dead zones. dead zones are exactly as they sound.

they are areas of the oceanthat are dead, the areas of the oceanthat are unable to support any more life, which arise mostly from livestock feedagricultural pollution, as well as livestock manure running into the ocean, or some other kind of imbalance. the number of dead zones observedsince 2003 has more than tripled, with now in excess of 400that exist and are growing worldwide. the african dead zone,according to scientists,

has been caused by a combinationof a strong upwelling current that brings abundant plankton,along with the loss of sardines because of human fishing. in the past several decades,tens of millions of these tiny fish have been removed from the oceanfor human consumption. so now, instead of sardineshelping to consume the plankton, the plankton just diesin the water instead, and sinks to the bottom of the oceanwhere it decays and contributes to the formationof the poisonous gases methane

and hydrogen sulfide. while methane gas canbe volatile and explosive, hydrogen sulfide is poisonousto both humans and marine life. so, this area has periodic explosionsof methane and hydrogen sulfide. and when these gases eruptoff the coast of africa, many other fish dieand animals such as lobsters and crabs run onto the shore,trying to flee the poisonous gas. but sometimes they cannot avoid either. scientists are now concerned that,

without a restorationof the ecological balance, dead zones like this willjust continue to be more and more, get bigger and bigger, which of course is lethal for all life. so, this is a smallbut very good example of why we need to be vegan,to renew the rightful balance of life. and, of course,we also need to be organic vegan because so many of these dead zonesare caused and made worse by chemical fertilizers that areprimarily used for livestock feed.

so, yes, be organic vegan. thank you, mademoiselle. and good luck,a lot of fun with your journalistic job and send my love to all your colleaguesat radio topka in cotonou. god bless your country, benin. thank you, master.(thank you.) thank you.thank you, master. for the answer. next question isfrom mr. bertrand badja baissi, in charge of programmingat television deuxieme.

thank you for everythingthat you are doing. your mission is noble and i think -just looking at the crowd around us - that the message went through. a few years ago, it was still difficultto get this message through. i also want to let you know thati'm a spiritual broadcasting host on tv2 in lomã©, togo. a year and a half ago, we had a show on the benefitsof being vegetarian and vegan.

it wasn't easy. yet today, many have come backto us saying that their vegetarian or vegan experiencefinally bore fruit. we congratulate ourselves. however, there is a paradox. in daily media, we have informationabout the risks that our earth is facing. today, as africans, what can we do to stop the disasters to our planetcaused by global warming? hallo, monsieur badja baissi.(hallo, master.)

thank you for your noble concern and thank youfor sharing your thoughts with us. you see, the biggest thing,as i have mentioned already, is to forgo all animal products,whatsoever, and spread the messageto as many people as possible that this is the solution, the number one and the main solution, the major solution. if i know any better solution,i would have informed everyone

because i’m also concernedabout the planet in which i still live. so, the reason on the physical level isto stop methane and nitrous oxide, the two gases that are producedby livestock raising. as we know now from the united nations’ reportin 2006, livestock’s long shadow, that the animals that are raised for meatare producing more greenhouse gases than all the worldwide transportationcombined. so livestock isthe #1 cause of methane. some years ago,it was already known that

methane trapped up to 23 timesmore heat than carbon dioxide, which is the most well-knownand main greenhouse gas. however, recently,scientists discovered that methane heats the environmentup to 72 times more than carbon dioxide,averaged over a 20-years period. so actually, if we calculate this factorof 72 times, instead of 23 timesas before estimated, the co2, or carbon dioxide, warming equivalent is actuallysignificantly higher by the methane.

this means that the livestock industrycontributes even more than what they originally estimated. in africa,even though the livestock production is not on as large a scaleas it is in some other countries, researchers have said that 70%of people in rural parts of the continent raise livestockand they predict a large future growth based on anticipated demand. this is the trend we need to halt now. if we eliminate meat from our diet,

global warming is reduced very quicklyby a tremendous amount, if not the most of it. if everyone becomes vegan,stops raising more animals for food and, instead,growing organic vegetables, our earthand the environment can be saved, and as quickas we could not even imagine – in a few weeks. another important part of the remedy is to do good deeds,to spread the positive good energy.

also, we can pray to heavenfor mercy and protection. we need heaven’s intervention and we need everyone nowto cooperate to save the planet by being veg,going green, and doing good. thank you, sir. i too pray for africa’s well-being and i’m praying alsofor the planet’s well-being. thank you master for your answer. you are welcome, love.

the next question isfrom madame victorine ankude from togo. she is a directorof a vegetarian kindergarten in lomã© and she is a vegan. dear master, i am the directorof an elementary school and i serve vegan dishes to the childrenin the cafeteria. parents do agree, of course. but what hurts me is that the children can eat veganonly at school.

at home,the students start to eat meat again, even if they do not want to. what advice could you give meto encourage the parents to continue feeding their children vegetarian food? yes, madame. it pains me too to hear of this. madame director,thank you for your love, first of all, of the childrenand your noble effort. may god bless you so much.

what you are doing is already excellent. if the children have the true motivationto be vegan themselves, you have already helpeda generation change. but meanwhile,perhaps there are dishes that you can share with the parents. invite the parents to schoolfor a night of good food and fun. you can also send recipes home or take recipes home. also, you can share with the parentsthe results of a study finding that

children who are smarter tend to be vegetarianwhen they grow up. in the united kingdom, researchers measured the iqof a group of children at age 10 and then again in adulthood. it was found thatfor every 15-point rise in iq, the likelihoodof the person being vegetarian rose by 38%! there are also many cases

where the children themselves arethe ones who bring awareness and excitementabout the benefits of the veg diet to their parents. we could also even give them handouts showing some of the harms of meat and the benefits of being vegetarian, which our association members wouldbe happy to provide for you. the other thing you can do isto show the kids very simple dishes that they can prepare for themselves.

even a simple rice and sesame dish canbe delicious and satisfying, and very easy to make. that way, the child canfeel more independent and could even offer some of theirprepared meals to the parents to try. once the parents at least acceptthe concept, they will likely be more open and maybe become vegetarianthemselves. so, try your bestto get a conversation going with the child’s help

and see if parents canopen their hearts and minds to this earth- and life-saving diet. many parents have tried it. it could bemany of them have been satisfied at seeing how their children benefitfrom it, like their health is better, they are more intelligent,more obedient, cooperative. even their temperament is better. so there’s nothing to lose,only to gain.

thank you for doing what you do,madame, and god bless you. god bless your studentsand may you be successful in convincing the parentsto feed their children and themselves with the compassionate, all-loving,blessful, healthy, wonderful vegetarian diet. thank you very muchfor all your answer. welcome.

master, the childrenfrom the vegetarian school prepared four songs for you tonight. would you like to listen to them now? of course! i’m thrilled! master, now let’s all welcomethe children from the vegetarian school with a warm round of applause.welcome! welcome! bravo!

please, we are called, we are called supreme master ching hai glory, supreme master ching hai we’re celebrating herfeast today let’s dance i’m a stranger if i’m among you, and if i greet you,

you’d gently answer sweet jesus if destiny is with me i won’t be like this for me i hang on to your hand jehovah, i hang on to your hand, hold me,

oh my lord, with your right hand, protect with your strength, keep my opponents far from me jehovah i hang onto your hand, i hang on to your hand.

rejoice, rejoice rejoice for god praise hiers name rejoice all earth inhabitants rejoice, praise hirm thank you so much. i was impressed! they’re so beautiful and so smart!

so beautiful children. so healthy. lovely. god bless you so much, sweethearts. thank you, beautiful children,thank you! god bless you. the next question isfrom dr. agbã©ko kodjo tounou, a teacher and researcherof the superior school of agronomy at the university of lomã©. dr. tounou, thank you.

thank you for accepting to be herewith us tonight to share this so important message. i have two questions. the first question: according to you, what will bethe benefits of organic farming regarding the current agricultural issuesin africa such as erosion, drought, deforestation, and infertile soil? the second question:

what are the constraints and benefitsof such agricultural practice? hallo, dr. tounou, thank you.that’s a very good question. as you may realizefrom your research that the vegan diet is the real keyand is the essence of the change that is needed for saving our planet. organic vegan is like a great bonus because organic growing methodsbenefit not only human health but also the environment. for example, a study conductedin the united states found that

organic farming preserves topsoiland keeps water bodies clean, and if used worldwide, would have the potentialto absorb and store approximately 40% of all present-dayco2 emissions each year. this would be a direct benefitto our earth, the other aspectsof vegan organic farming that are beneficial including thingslike crop rotation, mulching, and natural fertilizers.

crop rotation means that a field is planted each seasonwith different crops. this variety approach helpskeep the plants healthy and also restores fertility and nutrientsto the soil. other methods such as mulching and even a new methodcalled no-till organic farming help retain moistureand reduce soil erosion considerably. deforestation is mostly causedby animal’s feed as forests are cleared to plant cropsare for raising livestock,

while hundreds of millions of peopleare starving in the world. so, in general, vegan organic farmingfollows a philosophy of living in harmony with nature and protectionfor the planet and all beings. the methods employedsupport the natural balance between farming and the environment. over time, the combinationof this care and practice through the techniques available can go a long waytoward restoring the balance

from problemsthat may have arisen in the past. also, there are many successful storiesfor organic farming already across the continent of africa. for example, in the areasurrounding cape town, south africa, the townships are growing100% organic gardens, with crops that are sold locally. a similar operation has begunin kenya. and in uganda, where organic fertilizers wererecently introduced,

they are already seeing successwith the soil and harvest. on your own continent! there are more and more,just too many to list here. so the benefits are immense. i highly encourage you to pursuevegan organic farming methods, if at all possible. of course, it is possible. everything is possiblewhen we want to save our planet. everything is possible.

it has to be possiblefor our own survival. you can bring manifold benefitsin doing so, and you can beone of the growing success stories as it becomes more and more popular. thank you, dr. tounou. good question. god bless youwith your future organic farming. the next question is from madamafiwa pã©pã©vi lodonou-kpakpo. she is a teacher, and research director

of the institute of information scienceof communication and art thank you for what you are doingto save the planet. my question is related to weaning. the period of weaning is a difficult timein the life of a baby. could you please give us some adviceor an example of a vegan menu suitable for babies? thank you, madamedirector professor lodonou-kpakpo. thank you for your concern. about the healthof the precious youngest ones,

the vegan menu isone of the most easily digestible in the whole world and the only one we should giveto the babies and to ourselves. and the most easily available; even from our backyardwe can cultivate that. also, by feeding our babythe vegan diet, we can protect our childfrom many of the allergens and toxic substances

that are oftenpart of the meat-based diet. being entirely natural, it is so easyto transition to the vegan diet. as for a menu, you can choose foodsthat are easy to obtain, nutritious and fresh. fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes andsome others in the vegetable kingdom are fine selections. if you have internet access, professor,you can go to that is the websitefor the us organization

named vegetarian resource group, with guidelines and vegan recipesfor babies. please contactour association members near your hometown if you need more help for the websitesof vegetarian diet for babies. and on our website we also offer many informationconcerning other websites. you are free to download any of them. the benefits of a vegan diet are evidenteven before the child is born.

studies in both the united statesand the united kingdom found that expectant mothers who were veganbasically have no morning sickness. this is because their bodies didnot have to protect itself from the toxic effectof substances such as meat, which researchers discovered isone of the causes for morning sickness, as the body is tryingto ward off their harmful effects. dr. reed mangelsof the vegetarian resource group wrote a vegan nutrition guidefor babies. the research indicates that

vegetarian children tend toget more vitamins and minerals than children who are not. moreover, the early start with thisnutrient-rich daily diet means that the potential long term benefits arethat much greater. namely, vegetarian babies and children grow up with higher resistanceto illness. and from a food allergy perspective, the vegan diet immediately eliminatesfour out of eight, or 50% of the top known allergensfrom your child’s diet.

these are milk, eggs, fish and shellfish,all of which can cause lifelong or fatal health problems. so, starting our child out in lifewith a vegan diet could be one of the biggest giftswe can give as parents. to find a vegan menu for a childwho is just beginning on solid foods, you can go to the or you can checkwith any of our association members who would be gladto help you find this information. thank you for your valuable question

and good luck with the baby diet. the next question isfrom mr. kponor mawuli, intendant at the university canteen. thank you for the lightyou have brought to us through this videoconference. some vegetariansinclude fish and eggs in their diet. with the urgent situationof global warming, do you think this kind of vegetarian dietcan be considered an efficient wayto solve the problem? thank you.

no, sir, i do not, monsieur kponor. but thank youfor raising this important issue. it may seem like a small thingto some people, but a fish is still a life. a fish is not a vegetable. and as we have already discussed, the marine ecosystem isin big trouble right now from global warming already. further fishing will onlymake matters worse.

also, mercury poisoning causesproblems to aquatic life even before it gets to the humans. these are things we need to addressin trying to save our planet, not to talk about our health also. eating fish willdefinitely not help this. the way we are going now, we are literally emptying the oceansof certain fish, plus tons of other fishcaught along with them by accident, the by-catch that are just thrown away.

so, if those fish are all gone,we will see a catastrophic loss of other marine species as well. the coastal ecosystems will alsobe affected greatly by diseases and algae blooms that release toxins. the ocean is a wonderful recycler that normally can purify the waterand create nutrients and turn carbon dioxideinto oxygen, etc. isn’t that wonderful? it’s like a miracle!

the ocean is a miracle. but if we ruin the ecosystemsthrough overfishing, this will spell disaster for us. so, speaking for the environment, fishing for food isnot the answer at all. as for eggs, there isnothing sustainable about them. most of the eggs consumed today comefrom factory farms where thousands of female hens arecrowded together in dangerously filthy,infectious conditions.

and diseases like salmonellaand e. coli are prevalent. the ammonia that comesfrom their waste is a big water and air pollutant, and it causes respiratory problemsin humans. and many people do not knowof the cruel treatment received by the hens who,because of their close confinement, get bruised and lose their feathers. they cannot even spread a wing, and they must also endure the stress

of having their sensitive beakscut off with hot blades and nothing to numb the pain, even,when they are babies. can you imagine the suffering? eggs have also been shownto be extremely unhealthy, so there isabsolutely no need to eat them anyway. one us studywith 14,000 adults found that just adding one egg a day to the dietincreased the risk of heart failure by 23%. vegan products, by contrast, arecompletely cholesterol-free

and healthy for all our internal organs, for our mind as well. a healthy body houses a clear mind. it’s better for our body,for our conscience, for our mind, and for the planet to stay away from both fish and eggs. no animal products at all;that is the best way. we should be vegan. thank you, mr. kponor.

the next question isfrom mr. sessou ferdinand. he is assistant regional directorof ceb benin. thank you for being a leaderto promote a better lifestyle for our environment. thank you, mother,for your love without boundaries. thank you, mother, for your compassiontowards all life on earth. we are calling upon the light of wisdomto answer the following question. can the vegan diet help uswipe out or reduce our bad habits

towards drugs, alcoholor cigarette addiction? thank you, mom. you are welcome. yes, director sessou. from what i understandof these harmful substances, reducing them is not enough. we should eliminate them altogether. the damaging effectsof tobacco and alcohol are very severe, and they affect others as well.

these effects have beenwell documented medically and scientifically. there is so much cancerassociated with tobacco. and not just for the smoker but also for the peoplewho have to breathe the smoky air. second-hand smoke they call it. and even third-hand smoke. for example the smoke that still sticksto the curtains in the room or the sofa and the clothes

affects also children. they call it third-hand smoke, even. so it is truly a death sentence. a recent study found 81% of the babieswho die from the tragic so-called sudden infantdeath syndrome (sids) – you have heard of it – these were exposedto second-hand smoke. you see? we could kill the babiesjust by smoking.

this is how deadly it is,and how cruel it is to our family membersand to ourselves to bring such a harmful toxic substanceinto our precious body, the temple of god. so we should quit smoking, we should eliminate tobacco altogetherfrom this world. and also alcohol, we already know,has taken many, many lives too youngand causes so many problems, so much sorrow and heartaches,

again not just for the drinkers but also for those around them,for their loved ones. so my feeling is, sir, these substances need tobe removed from our lives completely. i am very gladyou are asking this question for the benefit of everyone else. i have mentioned some time ago that one can overcome any bad habitwithin 21 days. so it is possible to quit cigarettes,drugs or alcohol during that time.

but during that time frame, the person, the addicted person, must keep occupiedwith constructive things, like their favorite hobbies, spending time with good friends,and supportive people, and other favorite constructive,pleasant activities to keep our minds occupiedand our body relaxed without the addictive substance. so, one of the activities

could be finding waysto make delicious vegan food, invent some new recipes, do exercise, go to meditation class, do yoga, etc. according to dr. gabriel cousens, a vegan medical doctor in the uswho has helped many people quit smoking and alcohol for good, overcoming these habits is easierwith a fresh, organic vegan diet.

these foods balancethe brain's chemistry so that it functions best, which also can help the addictionto subside. moreover, other scientific researchhas found that alcoholic beverages and meat tend tomake cigarettes taste better, but fruits and vegetables make themtaste less appealing. so the vegan diet is the perfect solutionfor quitting smoking. some people have said thisin general, that when they begin eating more healthily,

the bad thingsthey used to find appealing simply are not anymore. thank you sir, for a good question. thank you for coming all the wayfrom benin. thank you, master, for the answer. i will ask the next questionon behalf of mr. danyo koami hagbalã© who is chief division supervisionof prefectures and regions at the ministryof territorial administration. and the question is:

charcoal is an energy sourceregularly used in africa mostly in household activitiesbecause it is cheaper compared to gas. however, its use has causedmany parks to be deforested and not reforested, while the burning of charcoalalso increases air pollution. please, master, could you give usadvice about other energy sources that would be affordable and could help usavoid deforestation and air pollution? hallo, monsieur chief danyo.

yes, i understand, and i am gladpeople such as yourself are concerned about preserving our forests. we must protect the treesas much as we can. according to the environmentalorganization, greenpeace, 8% of the earth'sforest-related carbon is stored in the vast rainforestsof the congo river basin in central africa. scientists predict that

continued deforestation of the congowill release the same amount of co2 as the united kingdom emittedover the last 60 years! imagine that. so, it is importantto preserve the forest while we still can because it helpsin addressing global warming. another alternative that could be usedto avoid deforestation is something called green charcoal, or biochar,which has been introduced in senegal.

this is madefrom agricultural waste products, is affordableand prevents deforestation. it also absorbs co2 as well, which is why climate scientistssupport the use of it. it absorbs the co2 very well. so this is one alternative. and, of course, if possible you can usea sustainable energy alternative such as a solar oven cooker, which is saferand causes no air pollution at all.

so, these are just some examplesof affordable energy sources we can tryand share with one another. i’m sure there are more. you can do some internet researchto see any better solution up to date. but the most importantand most urgent, once again, is the veg diet. v-e-g diet. this is the good deed that you can doto help save the planet as a whole. because this will most quickly reduceglobal warming.

and it’s not just that. truly, being veg is not justabout reducing greenhouse gases. it is about stopping the sufferingof the animals and their cruel inhuman mistreatment. we have to be noble species;we have to be noble human beings. this is what it is all about, we have tostop inhumane treatment of animals. and if we, in africa, join togetherto be veg, we will be blessed by all the heavens.

please spread the good solution info. thank you, monsieur danyo,for your good question. thank you, master, for your answer. everybody knows thatvegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet. they will be awakening their owngreat, compassionate, loving, self-nature. and then their level of consciousnesswill rise up automatically. and they will understand morethan they ever did.

and they will be closer to heaventhan what they are right now. the next question isfrom mr. koudahe kossi. he is the directorof the institution micro finance, coopec solidaritã© in togo. supreme master, good evening. good evening. we love you very muchfor your commitment to humanity. it had been clearly shown thatthe vegan diet will save the world. however, we who follow the old diet,

where should we begin to changethe diet of our family members and of the populationin a practical way? could you show usthe different steps to follow? thank you, supreme master. yes, monsieur koudahe,i would be glad to. thank you for your understanding and your wish to changethe diet of communities for the better of our planet,better health, more energy, more happiness,more protection,

everything is for our benefit. well, we can beginwhere we have the most influence - with ourselves and our home. after that, we can quicklyget the community more interested, especially in practiceslike growing organic produce, for two reasons. one is thatthese methods are very effective and show yields in a short time that can benefit many people.

and less work even. the other is thatthese kinds of community gardens have also been usedto supplement people’s livelihoods. so the benefit of growingand eating fruits and vegetables is evident and easy to see. you can also sharethe sos veg solution flyers to help awaken others, as well as write lettersto the government and media. on a more local level again,you can sponsor a cooking class.

this will help peopleunderstand just how easy it is to cook deliciousand nutritious veg meals for themselves and their families. all of these things help. you do what you can,monsieur koudahe. we are all doingwhat we can right now. we do our bestto help people to understand the true value and benefit of being veg, to save the planet for ourselves

and all the other divine creationswe hope to preserve. thank you for being here with us,and i pray we all join this best, most beneficial vegan diet trendto save our planet for ourselves and our children.

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